Тексты песен:

Show me the right way
Show me the right way
Show me the right way
Show me the right way
Walking my way on an endless street
Confused and blinded by a light
On me are spots and a million cars
The night gives only black and white
Have I been there before
I'm running in circles
Is it real or is it just a dream
I just want to wake up soon
Or will this nightmare never end
Show me the right way
Show me the right way
Show me the right way
Show me the right way
Show me the right way
Show me the right way
( Show me the right way )
( Show me the right way )
Walking my way on an endless street
Confused and blinded by a light
On me are spots and a million cars
The night gives only black and white
Have I been there before
I'm running in circles
Is it real or is it just a dream
I just want to wake up soon
Or will this nightmare never end
Show me the right way
Show me the right way
Show me the right way
Show me the right way
Show me the right way
Show me the right way



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