Тексты песен:
Don't be a hoopstar
Don't be a hoopstar
There's a way to the meadow
You gotta get to the run
Don't go overboard
Don't go overboard
There's a way to the meadow
You gotta get to the run
Don't go overboard
To get to the top
Don't be a hoopstar ( x 10 )
There's a way to the meadow
You gotta get to the run
Don't go overboard
Don't go overboard
There's a way to the meadow
You gotta get to the run
Don't go overboard
To get to the top
Don't go overboard
To get to the top
Don't be a hoopstar ( x 10 )
Don't be a hoopstar
Don't be a hoopstar
Don't be a hoopstar
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